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The Metals

The metals used in our processes are of the highest quality and use recycled metals whenever possible.  They are 100% metal powders that have been ground to a fine consistency which allows for their seamless addition to the Metalier binders, resulting in a coating that is 90% real metal.  Metalier Coatings are not a paint but actual metal coatings that will give a durable and long-lasting decorative finish for your project.  A truly bespoke and  beautiful finish that is seamless, light weight and able to be applied to virtually any substrate, even the unexpected ones.

Standard Metals

Standard range of metals:

  • Aluminium

  • Brass

  • Bronze

  • Copper

  • Gold

  • Iron

  • Silver

  • Multi-metals

Brass Burnished.jpg

Enigma Metals

Enigma Coloured Steel range:

  • Blue

  • Silver Blue

  • Viridian

  • Olive Green

  • Burgundy

  • Aubergine 

Blue Steel Subtle Antique M16.jpg
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